What is Vitakobal and What is it Used For? Drug Information and Side Effects

What is VITAKOBAL and what is it used for?

VITAKOBAL is a red, clear solution in 1 mlTik colored ampoules. Each 1 mlTic ampoule contains cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) as the active ingredient.


• anemia caused by insufficiency in the absorption of vitamin B12 (pemisioid anemia)

• anemia caused by increased rate of erythrocyte volume due to vitamin B12 deficiency to hemoglobin weight (hyperchrome macrositic anemia),

• severe and sudden onset, lightning-like facial pain (trigeminus neuralgia),

• Neural rheumatism (cyatic),

• Zamona is used in the treatment of acute inflammation of the nerves (neuritis) and nerve pain (neuralgia).

What are the Side Effects?

Like all medicines, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to substances contained in VITAKOBALazine.

Stop using VITAKOBALii if any of the following occurs and report it to your doctor immediately or contact the emergency department of the nearest hospital to you.

• Redness, itching, burning sensation in the area where the drug is applied,

- stenosis of the feet,

Respiratory distress, the,

• swelling in the throat/throat area and loss of sensation,

• squeezing sensation in the groin,

• extreme heat/coldness in the body,

• feeling of being strangled,

• nose and eye brow,

Runny nose


• itchy redness/bulb in the body, the,

• pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting,


• Fainting sensation,

• palpitations in the Heart.

These are all very serious side effects. If you have one of these, you have a serious allergy to VITAKOBAL ’. You may need immediate medical attention or hospitalization.

Like all medicines, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to substances contained in VITAKOBALazine.

Side effects are classified according to their frequency:

Very common:10 can be seen in at least lardin of patients.

Common: less than one in 10 patients, but more than one in 100 patients.

Uncommon: less than one in 100 patients, but more than one in 1,000 patients.

Infrequent: less than one in 1,000 patients, but more than one in 10,000 patients.

Very infrequent: less than one in 10,000 patients.

Unknown (unpredictable from the data at hand)

side effects associated with the use of VITAKOBAL:


• formation or exacerbation of infected acne,

• formation of folliculitis (inflammation in the roots of the hair) or its exacerbation


• Polysitemia vera (abnormal increase in the number of blood cells in the bone marrow)

• yumuridea

Weakness, falling out of strength, not,

• kayguygu/endi


• diminished of

• Coordination disorder

• Nervousness



• Respiratory failure due to heart failure, edema, pronounced disease with growth in the liver

• lungary

• occlusion in peripheral blood vessels (peripheral vascular thrombosis)

- stenosis of the feet,




• Light, temporary diarrhea

• Lithitis


• transceiver exantem (deep cast)

• Arthritis (inflammation in joints)

Back pain

• myalgia (muscle pain)

• vuducide

• general ache feeling

Pain at the injection site

how is VITAKOBAL Used?

In the treatment of acute nerve pain, 500-1000 mcg of vitamin B12 per day is applied intramuscularly. It is recommended to maintain acute inflammation of the nerves and pain treatment for 10 days. In cases that recur over time, a course of VITAKOBAL should be performed again.

In anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency, treatment is started with the application of 250-1000 mcg of vitamin B2 in the sun, and this application is continued for 1-2 weeks. Then, 1 mcg of vitamin B2 is administered 1 time per week until blood tests have proven that the results are back to normal. However, if the discomforts that occur with the nervous system disease are present, 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 vitamin is continued to be administered in the sun. When the blood test results show improvement, 1 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 is injected intramuscularly and maintenance therapy is applied.

It is applied only by injection into the muscle.

If you have an impression that the effect of VITAKOBALin is very strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Use in children

Use in the elderly:

Use in the elderly:

Use in the elderly:

Special Use Cases

Renal insufficiency: There is no information on its use in patients with renal insufficiency. Liver failure: Information on its use in patients with liver failure

Not found.


What to Do in case of Overdose?

If you have used more than you need to use VITAKOBAL ’i, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

What Should I Do When I Forget to Use VITAKOBAL?

Do not use a double dose to offset forgotten doses.

If you forget to take your medicine, take this dose as soon as you notice you have forgotten it and take the next dose at the usual time.

Effects that may occur when treatment with VITAKOBAL is terminated

Do not stop VITAKOBAL treatment unless indicated by your doctor.

Things to consider before using VITAKOBAL

VITAKOBAL Who Shouldn't Use It?

  • Do not use if you have an allergy to vitamin B12 or components of VITAKOBALin.
  • It is not suitable for use in visual nerve diseases (optical neuropathies) (Leber's disease) where the concentration of vitamin B12 in the blood is high.
  • What Should VITAKOBAL Users Pay Attention to?

    • Applied only to muscle.

  • Vitamin B12 should not be used without a definitive diagnosis of deficiency-related diseases.
  • • A condition that is resistant to treatment may occur during treatment. For this, a periodic examination is required every 3-6 months.

  • During the administration of vitamin B12, the use of chloramphenicol may reduce the therapeutic effect against cyanocobalamin.
  • • Infection during treatment, the use of folic acid, anemia (anemia), uremia (excess of urea in the blood) can also reduce the effectiveness of treatment. In patients with severe anemia and tissue anoxia (decreased oxygen), and in the elderly, emergency measures may be required.

    • If you have allergic disease such as asthma, urticaria, eczema, you should be investigated whether you are hypersensitive by taking a skin test before using cyanocobalamin.

    • VITAKOBAL should never be administered intravenously, but should be administered intramuscularly by injection.

    Is it Used During Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Period?


    Is it Used During Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Period?

    12 Vitamins are passed into breast milk.

    If this applies to you even at any time in the past, please

    consult your doctor.

    Food and Beverage Consumption Together With VITAKOBAL

    What are the foods and drinks that are inconvenient to be consumed with the specified medication? What should we eat or not eat?

    No interaction with food and drinks.

    Simultaneous use of VITAKOBALazine with alcohol will reduce the absorption of vitamin B12

    not recommended.

    It should not be used during pregnancy unless necessary.

    If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

    Can it be Used During Breastfeeding?

    Vitamin B12 passes into breast milk and there is no known harm.

    Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

    Vehicle and machinery use

    Vehicle and machinery use

    What is VITAKOBAL Active Ingredient?

    This medicinal product contains 10.0 mg of benzyl alcohol in each ampule. It should not be applied to premature babies and newborns. It can cause toxic reactions and allergic reactions in infants and children up to 3 years of age.

    This medicinal product contains 1 mmol (less than 23 mg of sodium in each ampoule; that is, it does not actually contain sodium.

    Is It Used With Other Drugs?

    In patients with vitamin B12 deficiency, the combined use of vitamin B12 with chloramphenicol may inhibit the blood and blood cell-building-related (hematopoietic) response to vitamin B12. Drugs used against infection, such as methotrexate, primetamine, colchicine and paraaminosalic acid, may give inaccurate results in microbiological blood tests for vitamin B12 for diagnostic purposes.

    If you are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or have recently used them, please tell your doctor or pharmacist about them.

    To download VITAKOBAL prospectus as a PDF file here

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