What is Rileptide Medication? Prospectus and Side Effects

What is RILEPTIDE and what is it used for?

RILEPTIDE contains 4 mg of risperidone in each film-coated tablet as the active ingredient.

• 4 Mg film tablet, oblong, light biconvex, grass green, odorless, shaped E 754 on one side, tablets with notch line on the other. There are 20 or 60 tablets in each box.

• It is included in the group of drugs called RiplePTID antipsychotics and used in the case of some kind of mental disorder (psychosis).

• RiplePTID is used in the treatment of the following conditions.

• hallucination (seeing, hearing or feeling something that is not), delusion, confusion, aggression, excessive skepticism (paranoia), emotional and social timidity/or used to treat conditions that affect your behavior, RILEPTID also reduces symptoms such as the mental breakdown, feelings of guilt, anxiety, and tension that people with this condition feel.

• It is used to stabilize the deteriorated mental state [in sudden developing and prolonged disorders; in the control of symptoms of tampering observed in bipolar disorder (in contrast with mental state); in the treatment of behavior and other destructive behavioral disorders in which aggressive or other destructive behavior is at the forefront; disorders related to autistic disorder in children and adolescents (aggressive symptoms, self-harm, Tempering, tantrums, etc, in the treatment of sudden mood changes)],

What are the Side Effects?

Like all drugs, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to substances found in RILEPTIDE iber.

If any of the following happens, stop using RILEPTID and report it to your doctor immediatelyapply to the emergency department of the trail or the nearest hospital: you:

  • Rashes on the skin, itching
  • - stenosis of the feet,
  • Swelling of the face, tongue and throat of the breath (sudden hypersensitivity reaction)

    These are all very serious side effects. If one of them is present to you, you have a serious allergy to RILEPTID. You may need immediate medical attention or hospitalization.

    All of these very serious side effects are quite rare.

    If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor immediately or contact the emergency department of the hospital closest to you.

  • Flicker
  • Involuntary muscle contractions, inability to stand in place, disorder in voluntary movements, fainting
  • Irregularities in blood pressure; such as your blood pressure drop
  • Irregularity in the heartbeat, palpitations, chest pain, etc,
  • QT elongation syndrome (a duum that can lead to severe arrhythmias and sudden death in the heart)
  • Transient ischemic attack (back caused by temporary blockage of the vessels leading to the brain
  • a type of reversible stroke) and similar diseases related to brain vessels, suppression of consciousness

  • Sleep apnea syndrome (temporary respiratory arrest in sleep)
  • Weakness in the arms and legs and difficulty in speaking (probability of paralysis), remittance
  • Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia), severe abdominal and malaria (pancreatitis)
  • Gastroenteritis (infection of the stomach and intestine, which is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting)
  • Elevation of blood sugar or exacerbation of existing diabetes (diabetes)
  • Jaundice (yellowing in the eyes and skin)
  • Change in some laboratory tests (hair of milk hormone (prolactin), elevation in liver enzymes, presence of sugar in the urine)

    Blood clotting in the vessels, which moves from the blood vessels to the lungs, causing chest pain and difficulty in breathing, especially in the legs (including symptoms such as swelling, pain and redness in the legs)

    These are all serious side effects. Urgent medical intervention may be required.

    Serious side effects are very rare.

    If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor:

  • Infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract, influenza, inflammation of the air spaces inside the facial bones (sinusitis), viral infection, tonsillitis, inflammation of the bronchi, established infection, cellulite, subcutaneous abscess
  • Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
  • Accumulation of fluid in the body (edema)
  • Inability, neutropenia (decrease in the number of segmented cells in the blood)
  • Increased appetite or lack of appetite
  • Insomnia, sleepiness, mental depression (depression), anxiety, irritability, restlessness, decreased sexual desire, inability to orgasm, dulling emotions
  • Headache, vertigo (dizziness caused by balance disorder), dizziness, sedation (calmness), weakness, distraction, unresponsiveness to stimuli, abnormalities in coordination, less perception of stimuli, etc, involuntary movements on the face and lips (tardive dyskinesia)
  • Inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis), blurred vision, bleeding of the eye, eyelid swelling, eye dryness, increased tear, discomfort from light or light, increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma)
  • Ear pain, tinnitus, ear inflammation (otitis media)
  • Flushing (a sudden reddening of the face)
  • Nasal obstruction, bleeding of this, cough, wheezing
  • Nausea, constipation, digestive disorder, vomiting, diarrhea, increase in salivary secretion, dry mouth, abdominal pain, stomach upset, difficulty swallowing, toothache
  • Skin dryness, dandruff, redness on the skin (erythema), acne, eczema
  • Back, joint, neck, musculature, pain in the extremities, joint swelling, muscle weakness, destruction of skeletal muscle (rabdomyolysis)

  • Inability to hold urine, painful urination, inflammation of the urinary tract, frequent urination
  • Swelling in the breasts (gynecomastia), disorders related to erection, in my sperm ejaculation
  • disorders

  • Continuous milk and milk-like discharge from the nipple, irregularities in the monthly period
  • Fatigue, weakness, irregularities in body temperature, feeling abnormal, stagnation
  • Inability to urinate or empty the bladder completely
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • These are mild side effects of RILEPTIDE.

    Post-Marketing Data

    Very rare side effects that can be seen in less than 10,000 patients:

    Agranulocytosis (decrease in the number of white blood cells), thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelet-blood spangle-count)

    Disorders in the secretion of hormones that allow water to be absorbed back from the kidneys (secretion of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone, which includes symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headache, weakness, hypersensitivity to stimuli)

  • Excessive water consumption
  • The tantrum (mania)
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Alopecia (hair loss)
  • Long-term painful hardening in men (priapism)
  • Drop in body temperature These are mild side effects of RILEPTIDidine.
  • If you experience any side effects that are not mentioned in the instructions for use, inform your doctor or pharmacist.

    How is RILEPTIDE Used?

    Your doctor will tell you how long your treatment with RILEPTIDE will last and at what dose, how many tablets you should take. Always follow your doctor's advice. Do not cut your treatment on your own and do not prolong it.

    If you are not sure how to take RILEPTIDE, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

    The daily dose of RILEPTIDidine varies from 0.50 milligrams to 6 milligrams, depending on your disease. Follow your doctor's instructions.

    Taken by mouth.

    you can use RILEPTIDE before meals or after meals.

    Swallow the tablets with a sufficient amount of liquid (for example, with 1 glass of water).

    Use in children

  • Schizophrenia:
  • Use in the elderly:

  • Bipolar manide:
  • Use in the elderly:

  • In destructive behavioral disorders:
  • Use in the elderly:

  • Autism:
  • The recommended daily dose in autism for children and adolescents is 20 kg per day for patients below ⁇

    For patients 0.25 mg, 20 kg and above, it is 0.50 mg per day.

    Use in the elderly:

    Your doctor will specify how many tablets you should take.

    Special Use Cases

    Renal failure:

    If you have kidney failure, take half of the above-mentioned doses. Your doctor will specify how many tablets you should take.

    Liver failure:

    If you have liver failure, take half of the above-mentioned doses. Your doctor will specify how many tablets you should take.

    If you have an impression that the effect of RILEPTIDE is too strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.


    What to Do in case of Overdose?

    If you have used more than you need to use RILEPTIDE, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

    Symptoms of overdose may be drowsiness, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, tremors and hardening of muscles.

    What Should I Do When I Forget to Use RILEPTIDE?

    Take your next dose at normal time and continue your treatment.

    Do not use a double dose to offset forgotten doses.

    Effects that may occur when treatment with RILEPTIDE is terminated:

    If you leave your treatment half-way without consulting your doctor, the symptoms of your disease may reappear. If your doctor does not give a separate recommendation when discontinuing RILEPTIDE treatment, stop by reducing the dose.

    If you stop treatment suddenly, effects such as feeling sick, vomiting, sweating, insomnia, stiffness in the muscles or interrupted movements may occur, or your main health problem may reappear. Always follow your doctor's recommendations carefully.

    Things to consider before using RILEPTIDE

    Who Shouldn't Use RILEPTIDE?


    • if you are allergic to any of the auxiliary substances contained in the composition of Riseridone or RLEPTIDidine (see list of auxiliary substances),

    • do not use RILEPTIDE if you have prolonged QT syndrome (a condition that can lead to severe arrhythmias and sudden death in the heart) or Torsades de Pointes (life-threatening irregular heart rhythm).

    What Should RILEPTIDE Users Pay Attention to?


    • If you have dementia (dementia)

    • If you have a disease of the heart or blood vessels or a disease of the brain vessels

    • if you have epilepsy (sara) or Parkinson's disease

    • if you have had a heart attack or transient ischemic attack (temporal reduction of blood flow to the brain), consult your doctor.

    If you have diabetes or a risk of developing diabetes

    If you have liver or kidney disease

    • If there are involuntary and/or percentage movements

    • If there is fever, muscle stiffness, confusion in the mind, deterioration in the consciousness and phosphokinase levels of blood creatine

    • if you or anyone in your family has a history of blood clots (such drugs are associated with blood clot formation), use RILEPTIDE with caution. All possible risk faculties should be identified by your doctor before and after treatment with RILEPTIDE and preventive measures should be taken.


    • as with the new generation of diuretic (atypical) antipsychotic drugs, this drug is also used in psychoses of elderly patients with dementia (event related to brain vessels), infection, etc, it is likely to cause an increase in the risk of death due to heart failure and sudden death, etc.

    • if you are using ⁇ LPTID, there is a chance that you will gain weight.

    • The possibility of suicide attempts in patients with schizophrenia (a type of psychiatric illness) and bipolar mania (contrastive changes in mood) is possible. Be careful in this regard from the beginning of treatment in high-risk patients.

    • comply with what your doctor (physician) prescribes you.

    If this applies to you even at any time in the past, please

    consult your doctor.

    Food and Beverage Consumption with RILEPTIDE

    What are the foods and drinks that are inconvenient to be consumed with the specified medication? What should we eat or not eat?

    you can use RILEPTIDE before meals or after meals.

    Do not use with RILEPTIDE alcohol.

    Is it Used During Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Period?

    Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

    • if you have used antipsychotic drugs (including RILEPTID) in the last three months of your gestation, tremors, tension and relaxation in the muscles, which can change in severity following childbirth, drowsiness, restlessness, etc, respiratory distress or nutritional disorders may be seen. If you are pregnant, you can only use RILEPTIDE if your doctor decides that it is absolutely necessary.

    If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

    Can it be Used During Breastfeeding?

    Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

    • do not use during the period of breastfeeding ⁇ PTIDI.

    Vehicle and machinery use

    RILEPTIDE can cause your attention to be distracted and make you feel sleepy. In the treatment of RILEPTID, do not use tools and machines until your doctor evaluates your response to treatment and allows it.

    What is RILEPTIDE Active Ingredient?

    RILEPTIDE 4 mg film tablet contains 76 mg of lactose. If you have previously been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to certain sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.

    RILEPTIDE contains 0.4 mg of sodium lauryl sulfate. RILEPTIDE contains less than 23 mg of sodium in each tablet. No side effects due to sodium are expected.

    Is It Used With Other Drugs?


    • if you are taking pain medication (including opiates, which are drugs used to treat severe pain) and you are taking medications that can be calming, such as antihistamine medications taken due to allergies

    • if you are taking medication to treat Parkinson's disease (levodopa and other dopamine agonists) or sara (epilepsy)

    • If you are taking medications that affect blood pressure (tension) and heart rhythm

    • if you are using drugs used in the treatment of psychosis and other psychiatric diseases

    • if you are taking medications used to treat depression (such as fluoxetine and paroxetine)

    • if you are taking certain medications (such as arithidine and cimetidine) that can increase the effect of ilePTIDE

    • if you are taking medication for malaria (such as chain and meflokin)

    • valerian (cat) and. If you are using herbal supplements like Johns wort (yellow cantarone)

    If you are taking « Furosemide (a drug used to lower blood pressure or treat bloating in the body) or if you are using other diuretics tablets (diuretics), be sure to inform your doctor

    If you are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or have recently used them, please tell your doctor or pharmacist about them.

    To download RILEPTID prospectus as a PDF file here

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