What are Ferplex Side Effects? What is it and What is it Used For?

What is FERPLEX and what is it used for?

FERPLEX is a brown, unsweetened, cherry-flavored oral solution and is available in 15 ml disposable vials with polyethylene caps.

FERPLEX contains an equivalent amount of iron protexinylate of 40 mg Fe+3 (three precious iron)’ as the active ingredient. Iron proteinsulinylate is an iron form. In humans, iron is crucial for the production and function of a protein called hemoglobin, which is the main ingredient of red blood cells

What are the Side Effects?

Like all medicines, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to substances contained in FERPLEX.

Stop using FERPLEX, if any of the following happens, and report it to your doctor immediately or contact the emergency department of the nearest hospital to you.

• Swelling of the hands, feet, wrists, face, lips, or especially in the way that the mouth or throat makes it difficult to swallow or breathe

These are all very serious side effects.

If you have one of these, you have a severe allergy to FERPLEX. You may need emergency medical intervention or hospitalization.’

All of these very serious side effects are quite rare.

If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor immediately or contact the emergency department of the hospital closest to you.

  • Rash
  • Fainting
  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (development of jaundice)
  • These are all serious side effects. Urgent medical intervention may be required.

    Serious side effects are very rare.

    If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor:

  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain, stomach pain and cramping
  • Darkening in the color of feces and urine
  • ‘Buns are mild side effects of FERPLEX.’

    How is FERPLEX Used?

    FERPLEX is taken before meals, preferably divided into two equal doses of 1 or 2 vials in adults.

    It does not mind its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    It should be used for as long as your doctor recommends (Average 2-3 months).

    After the disappearance of iron deficiency symptoms, at least one more month should be used to fill the body's iron stores.

    FERPLEX is for oral use.

    FERPLEX solution is drunk directly from vial or diluted with water

    Use in children

    : According to your doctor's recommendation, preferably before meals, the dosage in the form of 1.5 ml/kg (equivalent to 4mg/kg of iron) is divided into two.

    Use in the elderly:

    : Its use in the elderly is just like in adults.

    Special Use Cases

    Kidney/Caribbean insufficiency: It should not be used in serious liver diseases.

    If you have an impression that the FERPLEX effect is too strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.


    What to Do in case of Overdose?

    If you have used more FERPLEX than you should; nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea may be seen. It can develop lightheadedness, color paleness or cyanosis, or even shock. The patient may need to be vomiting and/or stomach washed. If time has passed since poisoning, a drug such as desferoxamine can be used to bind excess iron in the body.

    In children under 6 years of age, accidental ingestion/swallowing of iron-containing products leads to serious poisoning. Therefore, keep these medicines out of the reach of children. Call your doctor or poison advisor immediately if taken in an overdose.

    If you have used more than you need to use FERPLEX, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

    What Should I Do When I Forget to Use FERPLEX?

    Do not take double doses to offset forgotten doses.

    Post Treatment For Those Using FERPLEX

    Treatment should not be stopped early, because in this case, the treatment of your existing disease will be half-done and not enough recovery will take place.

    Things to consider before using FERPLEX

    who should not use FERPLEX by?

    If you are allergic to iron or any of the substances it contains, you may,

    If you have a condition of iron loading (hemochromatosis, chronic hemolysis), (this can lead to chronic liver and pancreatic disease.)

    If you have anemia that is not due to iron deficiency, then,

    Do not use if you have chronic pancreatitis and liver cirrhosis.

    What Should FERPLEX Users Pay Attention to?

    Find out if you have an iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia that has been treated.

    If you have an intolerance to milk, this can cause allergies as the product contains protein derived from milk.

    If you regularly drink alcohol,

    If you have hepatitis (jaundice), stomach ulcers, inflammatory diseases of the intestine and pancreatic disease, use with caution.

    If your bleeding continues, your menstrual bleeding is severe and prolonged, or you do not have a special condition such as pregnancy, do not use this product for more than 6 months.

    During the use of oral iron preparations, the color of the stool may darken, which is normal and does not require any precautions

    Tests for the search for blood in feces can be misleading when done during the use of FERPLEX. Therefore, treatment should be discontinued during this examination.

    If these warnings apply to you, even at any time in the past, please consult your doctor.

    Food and Beverage Consumption Together With FERPLEX

    What are the foods and drinks that are inconvenient to be consumed with the specified medication? What should we eat or not eat?

    Foods that contain milk, eggs, coffee, tea, and dietary fiber can reduce iron absorption. Therefore, FERPLEX should be taken one hour before or two hours after the intake of such foods.

    Is it Used During Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Period?

    Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

    FERPLEX is used as an iron supplement in pregnancy.

    If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

    Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

    FERPLEX is used as an iron supplement during breastfeeding.

    Vehicle and machinery use

    No effect on vehicle and machine handling skills was reported.

    What is FERPLEX Active Agent?

    Due to the sorbitol E420 contained in it, if you have previously been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to certain sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.

    FERPLEX contains propylene glycol, but no warning is required due to its dosage.

    FERPLEX contains 15 mg of sodium saccharin in each vial. This should be considered for patients on a controlled sodium diet.

    FERPLEX Sodium contains methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate E219 and Sodium propyl-4-hydroxybenzoate E217, which can cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed).

    Is It Used With Other Drugs?

    the simultaneous use of FERPLEX with tetracyclines (a kind of antibiotic), bisphosphonate group drugs, quinolone group antibacterials, penicillamine, thyroxine, levodopa, carbidopa, alpha-methyldopa can reduce the absorption of these drugs. With FERPLEX, there should be at least a 2-hour time interval between the intake of these drugs.

    Iron absorption is reduced in the use of FERPLEX with antiacids.

    In combination with FERPLEX, chloramphenicol may delay iron absorption.

    Taking it simultaneously with over 200mg of vitamin C increases the effectiveness of iron.

    To download the FERPLEX prospectus as a PDF file here

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