What is Eqiceft and What is it Used For? Drug Information and Side Effects

What is EQICEFTIV and what is it used for?

EQICEFT contains the active substance called ceftriaxone. This belongs to the group of drugs called antibiotics. EQICEFT shows its effect by stopping the full development of bacteria. This leads to the death of bacteria.

• EQICEFT is almost white or yellowish colored powder. Presented in glass vials. Each carton box has 1 vial and 5 ampoules with 1 ml of injection water.

• EQICEFT is used in the treatment of various infections caused by bacteria and in various parts of the body.

• QICEFT can be used for the following diseases.

Sepsis (disease that causes fever and tremor as a result of bacteria passing into the blood)

Inflammation of the brain membrane (meningitis),

In the early and late stages of disseminated Lyme borreliosis, a tick-borne disease

Infections in the abdominal area (abdominal) (inflammation of the abdominal membrane, infections of the bile and the gastrointestinal tract)

Bone, joint, soft tissue, skin and wound infections, etc,

Infections due to immune system impairment, such as,

Kidney and urinary tract infections, including,

Infections of the respiratory tract, especially pneumoi (a type of lung infection), ear-nose-throat infections, otitis media without acute bacterial complications (inflammation of the middle ear)

Genital infections, including gonorrhea (lumbar cold), a sexually transmitted infection,

To prevent infections from occurring, before surgery

What are the Side Effects?

Like all medications, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to substances contained in EQICEFTIV.

there may be side effects in people who are sensitive.

If you notice any of the following, tell your doctor immediately or contact the emergency department of the hospital closest to you.

• Severe allergic reactions (not common, affect less than 100 people per 1 ’)

Sudden swelling of the face, neck, lips and mouth. This can lead to difficulty in breathing and swallowing.

Sudden swelling of hands, feet and wrists

Serious skin rashes (very rare, affecting less than 10000 people every 1 person)

If you experience severe skin rash, go to your doctor right away. Among the symptoms, severe rash that develops rapidly along with blisters or peeling of the skin, blisters are also likely to form in the mouth.

Other possible side effects

Common (effects 10 people in every 1 person)

• Gevsek defecation or diarrhea

Feeling sick and being sick.

Uncommon (affecting less than one person per 100 people)

Other skin reactions. These include a rash that covers your entire body, a lumpy rash (urticaria), itching and bloating.

Infrequent (affecting less than 1000 people each):

Other types of infections caused by fungi and yeast (such as thrush).

Disorders associated with blood. Symptoms include feeling tired, easy bruising of the skin, cutting of breath and nosebleeds.


Dizziness sensation

Injury in the mouth

Inflammation of the tongue (glossitis). Symptoms include swelling, redness and inflammation of the tongue.

Liver problems (shown in a blood test).

Disorders in your gallbladder that can lead to pain, feeling sick, and being sick

• These kidney problems can affect the amount of your urination. Some people urinate more than usual. Very rarely, people may start not urinating.

Having blood and sugar in your urine

• pain or burning sensation in the vein to which the iQICEFTin is given.

Pain where the injection is made.

High fever or tremor.

Very infrequent (affecting less than one person per 10000 people)

Positive results in the Coombs test (a test used for some blood disorders).

Discomfort with the clotting of your blood. Symptoms include easy bruising of the skin and pain and swelling in your joints.

Changes in the number of white blood cells in your blood. Symptoms include sudden elevation of fever, tremors and sore throat.

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Among the symptoms is severe pain in the stomach that spreads down your back.

• inflammation of the intestine of the calf (colitis) Symptoms usually include bloody and slimy diarrhea, stomach pain and fever.

How is EQICEFTIV Used?

Your doctor will determine the dose of your medication and administer it to you, depending on your disease.

• the standard dose of EQICEFTin is 1-2 grams per day. Depending on the severity and type of infection, your doctor may give you a higher dose (the daily dose may be increased to 4 grams).

If you are going to have an operation, it is recommended to apply a single dose of 30-90 grams of EQICEFT 1-2 minutes before the operation, depending on the risk of infection.

The duration of treatment varies according to the course of the disease. As is usually the case with all antibiotic treatments, at least 48-72 hours of EQICEFT treatment should be continued after the patient's fever has dropped or the infection has been treated (bacterial eradication).

EQICEFT is usually administered intravenously by a doctor or nurse. It is recommended that no more than 1 gram of injections are given to an area.

Use in children

Your doctor will decide on the dose that will be applied depending on your child's body weight.

In newborns, infants and children under 12 years of age, the following dosage scheme is administered in a single dose per day.

Newborns (up to 14 days): A single dose per day of 20-50 mg/kg of body weight; daily dose should not exceed 50 mg/kg’.

Infants and children (from 15 days to 12 years): Single dose 20-80 mg/kg per day.

Children with a body weight of 50 kg or above should use the usual adult dose.

For the treatment of acute bacterial uncomplicated otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), a single application at a dose of 50 mg/kg (provided that it does not exceed the lg ) is recommended.

Use in the elderly:

Special Use Cases

Kidney /Heavy insufficiency

If you have liver and kidney disease, you can use a lower dose. You may need to have blood tests to check that you are taking the dose you need.

If you have an impression that the effect of EQICEFT is too strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.


What to Do in case of Overdose?

If you have used more than you should use EQICEFT, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

What Should I Do When I Forget to Use EQICEFTIV?

Do not take double doses to offset forgotten doses.

If you forget to take a dose of EQICEFT that you should take, take your dose as soon as you remember. However, if the next dose is almost complete, skip the forgotten dose.

post Treatment For EQICEFTIV Users

Do not stop using EQICEFT without consulting your doctor.

Things to consider before using EQICEFTIV

Who Shouldn't EQICEFTIV be Used by?


• if you have hypersensitivity to ceftriaxone, the active ingredient of ⁇ QICEFTin, you have hypersensitivity to antibiotics called ‘Sefalosporin’ (allergies), including EQICEFTin. This group of drugs includes active substances such as cephexine, cefaklor and cephyroxime.

• sudden and severe allergic reaction to penicillin or similar antibiotics

if you showed. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include sudden swelling of the throat or face and

as a result, difficulty breathing and swallowing, hands, feet and wrists

there is sudden swelling and a rapidly developing severe rash.

EQICEFT should not be used in infants in the following cases:

• Infants less than 28 days old who use products containing calcium and applied intravenously

If the baby is premature (baby born before 37 weeks).

• yolk in newborns

What Should EQICEFTIV Users Pay Attention to?


If you have recently used a calcium-containing preparation or are going to use calcium

If you have any problems with your stomach and intestines, especially colitis (inflammation of the intestine)

If you have liver or kidney disease.

If you have another condition, such as blood disorders.

• If you have ultrasonographic findings in the form of a shadow suggesting gallbladder disease or bile transport.

If you have asthma.

If you are pregnant.

If you are breastfeeding your baby.

If these warnings apply to you at any time in the past, please

consult your doctor.

Food and Beverage Consumption Together With EQICEFTIV

What are the foods and drinks that are inconvenient to be consumed with the specified medication? What should we eat or not eat?

It does not interact with food because of the way of application. Open or full cam


Is it Used During Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Period?

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

The reliability of the use of EQICEFT’ in human pregnancy has not yet been established. If you are pregnant, pregnant, or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor before taking this medicine.

If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Can it be Used During Breastfeeding?

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

Since the active substance of EQICEFT iberin is passed into breast milk in small amounts, it is recommended to take this situation into consideration in nursing mothers.

If you are breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using this medicine.

Vehicle and machinery use

There is no data that EQICEFT ⁇ has a negative impact on the ability to drive and operate machinery. Talk to your doctor before using tools and machines and taking EQICEFTi as it can lead to dizziness.

What is EQICEFTIV Active Ingredient?

This medicinal product contains 41.47 mg of sodium in each vial. This should be considered for patients on the condition-controlled sodium diet.

Is It Used With Other Drugs?

If you are currently taking any medications or have used them recently, please tell your doctor about them. These include medications and herbal remedies you take without a prescription. Why EQICEFT?in can affect the way other drugs show their effect. In addition, other drugs may also affect the way EQICEFTin acts.

Tell your doctor about these if you are taking the following medicines;

• oral contraceptives (birth control pills) EQICEFT can stop birth control pills from working, so you should use additional birth control methods (for example, condoms) while using EQICEFT and up to a month after you stop.

Chloramphenicol (used in the treatment of infection, primarily in the eye)

Anticoagulants (drugs used to dilute the blood)

Probenecid (used for gout therapy)

Ammacrine (a drug used in the treatment of cancer)

Fluconazole (a drug used in the prevention of fungal disease)

Vancomycin or other antibiotics (used for the treatment of infections)

If you are currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or have recently used them, please tell your doctor or pharmacist about them.

To download EQICEFTprospectus as PDF file here

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