What is Avmigran Drug and What is it Used For?

Avmigran is used to relieve headaches and short migraine attacks that occur in conjunction with palpitations, dizziness and nausea (Cephalea vasomotorica-histamine headache, Horton syndrome).

What is Avmigran?

Avmigran is a drug containing ergotamine tartrate, mekloxamine dihydrogen citrate, caffeine, paracetamol active ingredients in each film tablet. Avmigran is a red-brown colored, round, biconvex film-coated tablet-shaped product

Is Avmigran used 2 times?

If you forget to take Avmigran, and the time of your next dose is not close, take your medicine as soon as you remember. Do not use a double dose to offset forgotten doses.

Food and Beverage Consumption with Avmigran

Take avmigran with plenty of water, preferably after meals. When taken with avmigran grapefruit juice, there is a risk of increased drug-related side effects.

Is Avmigran Taken with Alcohol?

“Avmigran is taken with alcohol?” the answer to the question; if you take Avmigran with alcohol, serious liver problems may occur. Do not take avmigran with alcohol. No drug is recommended to be taken with alcohol In case of excessive alcohol consumption, taking paracetamol even in therapeutic doses (in therapeutic doses) can also cause liver damage.

Vehicle and machinery use

Avmigran can lead to symptoms such as drowsiness, lightheadedness, tremor, sweating. If you have such symptoms, you should not use a vehicle or machine until the effects have passed.

How Avmigran is Used?

In migraine attacks, 1 or 2 tablets of Avmigran Film should be taken at the beginning of the pain seizure.

If necessary, another 1 tablet can be taken after half an hour.

The maximum daily dose is 4 film tablets. The maximum weekly dose is 10 film tablets.

You should take your medicine the moment you feel the first signs of a pain seizure. The sooner the drug is taken, the lower the necessary dose and the more effective the treatment will be. You should take avmigran preferably after meals and with plenty of water.

Seniors Using Avmigran Your doctor will determine your dose depending on your disease.

Avmigran Renal or liver failure: it is not used in patients.

If you have an impression that the effect of Avmigran is very strong or weak, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before using the medicine.

Avmigran leads to serious birth defects if applied during pregnancy. If you are pregnant, you should not use Avmigran.

If you notice that you are pregnant during your treatment, consult your doctor immediately.

You should not breastfeed your baby while using Avmigran. Avmigran is introduced into breast milk and can lead to symptoms of ergotism in infants such as vomiting, diarrhea, poor pulse and irregularity in blood pressure. Your doctor will ask you to stop breastfeeding your Avmigran or your baby.

What to Do in case of Overdose?

If you have used more than you need to use from avmigran, the following symptoms can be seen:

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, feeling of cold, burning or itching in the skin, dizziness, slowing or inability to take the pulse, numbness in the hands and feet, tingling, pain and bruising, rapid pulse, etc, rise or fall in blood pressure, tachycardia (rapid heart rate), deterioration of breathing, fainting, coma, confusion of mind, involuntary severe contractions in the muscles, loss of consciousness and shock.

In very sensitive people or in case of overdose and long-term use of drugs, ergotism can develop. The numbness in the hands and feet, coldness, burning, paleness in color or bruising and pain in the muscles may begin. There may be no pulse in these areas. Increasingly, gangrene in the fingers can develop. Chest pain, increase or decrease in heart rate, drop or rise in blood pressure may occur.

In addition, when overused due to the paracetamol in the Avmigran content, it can cause liver damage and kidney damage.

If you have taken too much of Avmigran by accident or think a child has taken it, contact the nearest hospital emergency department immediately. Take the box of the drug and, if available, the remaining medicines with you.

Pallor, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting are common early symptoms of an overdose of paracetamol, which is one of the active substances of avmigranm. Liver damage is a dose-related complication of paracetamol overdose (diseases caused by overdose).
If you have used more than you should use from avmigran, talk to a doctor or pharmacist.

Is Avmigran Used With Other Drugs?

When used in combination with certain medications, the effect of Avmigran may vary. Please tell your doctor if you are taking the following medications:


Medications such as propantelin and colestramine (used to lower the level of fat in the blood), which cause a delay in gastric emptying.

Medications that accelerate gastric emptying include drugs such as metoclopramide and domperidone (used in the treatment of nausea-vomiting)

Medications that stimulate liver enzymes (E.g., some sleep medications, sara (Epilepsy) Phenytoin used in the disease, some drugs of phenobabital v.b)

Drugs such as chloramphenicol and rifampicin used as antibiotics Varfarin and coumarin-derived anticoagulants (drugs that prevent blood clotting) Tropisetron, granisetron (drugs used to treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting)


(AIDS) A drug used in the treatment and prevention of HIV infections (Children and adults Other network cutters

When taken with nutrients, the absorption rate of paracetamol may decrease.

St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum-a plant included in the yellow family of cantarongiller) can reduce blood levels of paracetamol.

When taken with nutrients, the absorption rate of paracetamol may decrease.

Adenosine and dipyridamole Sedative (calming) drugs used in myocardial (cardiac muscle) imaging

Ephedrine (used for the removal of blockages in the airways)

Barbiturates (used as tranquilizers and sleep-inducing)

Antihistamines (used in cases of allergy or inflammation)

Oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

Cimetidine (used against stomach acid)

Phenylpropanolamine, ephedrine (used to treat colds)

Clozapine (used in the treatment of mental disorders)

Beta-blocker drugs such as atenolol, metoprolol, oxprenolol and propranolol (used to lower blood pressure)

Disulfiram (used in the treatment of alcoholism)

Lithium (used in the treatment of mental disorders such as depression)

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (used to treat mental disorders such as depression)

Tranklyzane (used to soothe nerves)

Metoxalene (used in the treatment of psoriasis)

Phenytoin (used in the treatment of sara)

Pipemidic acid (used to treat urinary tract infections)

Theofilin (used to treat airways blockages, such as asthma)

Levothyroxine (used in cases where the thyroid gland is not functioning properly)


Macrolide group antibiotics (for example, drugs containing erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin, spiramycin, telithromycin, triacetyloleandomycin), quinupristine, dalfopristine, tetracycline antibiotics, quinolone group antibiotics

Fungus and parasite drugs

Medications containing ketoconazole, fluconazole, miconazole, itraconazole, posaconazole, voriconazole, metronidazole or clotrimazole

Antiviral (used against viruses) drugs

Drugs that contain amprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, ritonavir, calikavir, atazanavir, efavirinz and used in HIV infection (AIDS)

5HT agonists (triptans) used in the treatment of migraine attacks

Avmigran should be taken at least 6 hours after the drugs used in the treatment of migraine, which include almotriptan, rizatriptan, sumatriptan, zolmitriptan substances. If Avmigran is taken, these drugs should be taken at least 24 hours later. It should be at least 24 hours between the use of Avmigran drugs containing eletriptan or frovatriptan substances and used in the treatment of migraines.

Medications used to treat low blood pressure

Drugs containing metaraminol substances

Medications for heart diseases, angina (chest pain) and blood pressure: Drugs containing propranolol, oxprenolol, atenolol or verapamil substances

Asthma medications Ex: drugs containing the substance zileuton

Nicotine: Cigarette with nicotine or nicotine patches or nicotine gum with german nicotine

Some general anesthesia (narcosis) medications: E.g., drugs that contain halothane

Some antidepressant medications: E.g., medications containing reboxetine, nefazodone, fluoxetine, or fluvoxamine substances

Grapefruit juice: When taken with avmigran grapefruit juice, the risk of poisoning increases

What are Avmigran Side Effects?

Like all drugs, there may be side effects in people who are sensitive to substances contained in Avmigranin.

Among all the side effects, the most common is nausea and vomiting. Signs and symptoms of vasoconstriction may occur depending on the dose of ergotamine.

With daily use of caffeine up to 520 mg, no unwanted effects are detected in healthy people. However, in people who are sensitive to caffeine or who do not use caffeine, the use of high doses can lead to some unwanted effects. These include: tremor, insomnia, restlessness, irritability, anxiety, headache, tinnitus, rhythm disturbance in the heart, increase in heart rhythm rate, excess urination, digestive disorders and rapid breathing.

People with these undesirable effects should stop the use of Avmigran or other caffeine-containing drugs.

Taking a break from the use of caffeine after regular use may cause some symptoms to reappear that will last for 1 week. These are: headache, fatigue and decreased attention.

Stop using Avmigran, if any of the following happens, and report it to your doctor immediately or contact the emergency department of the nearest hospital to you.

Avmigran Serious Side Effects

  • Skin rash, itching, eczema, allergic edema, swelling in the face and throat (angioedema), common discharge rashes (acute generaliza eccentematous pustulosis), rash similar to hand, face and standing lace, forming rash, hypersensitivity (eritema multiforme)
  • Anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction leading to low blood pressure and lack of pressure)
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a condition in which the skin and mucous membranes react severely to medication or infection)
  • Drowsiness, numbness in the hands and feet, tingling
  • Bruising on the fingers and toes
  • Increase or slow down in heart rate
  • A feeling of tightness, pressure, weight and restlessness in the rib cage. Chest pain that spreads to the neck, shoulders, or arms
  • Difficulty breathing
  • - Elevation in blood pressure
  • Kangren (Tissue death)
  • Failure to take pulse
  • Nausea and vomiting (non-migraine-dependent)

If you have this condition, you have a serious allergy to Avmigrana. You may need emergency care or hospitalization.

Side effects are classified as shown in the following categories:

Common Side Effects

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep state(somnolans)
  • Sensory disorders such as numbness, tingling or burning sensation
  • Signs of upper respiratory tract infection
  • Nausea and vomiting (non-migraine-dependent)
  • Discomfort, pain and indigestion in the upper abdomen
  • Excessive amount of gas in the stomach and intestines
  • Abdominal pain
  • Constipation (Natural and herbal solutions to learn ways to deal with constipation here click.)
  • Dumbness

Uncommon side effects

  • Kidney damage, which can lead to failure of the kidneys with prolonged use
  • Bleeding in the digestive system
  • In the arms and legs, bruising, narrowing (peripheral vasoconstriction)
  • Diarrhea
  • Pain and weakness in the arms and legs
  • Loss of feeling, the,
  • Blue coloration of skin and mucosa (Cyanosis)

Rare side effects

  • Hypersensitivity responses (skin rash, itching or hives; swelling in the face, tongue or other part of the body; wheezing and breathing difficulties.)
  • Dizziness (vertigo)
  • Slowing of heartbeats or accelerating of heartbeats,
  • Changes in the heart valves as a result of excessive use for a long time,
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Hives (urticaria),
  • Muscle pain, the,
  • Pulse absence
  • Shortness of breath and asthma attack
  • Stroke.
  • When used for a long time; bruising on skin and tissues due to decreased blood cells
  • Numbness, tingling, pain, bruising and absence of pulse in the arms and legs (ergotism)
  • Disorders especially around the lung membrane and lungs due to prolonged overuse
  • Rapidly progressing inflamed common skin rashes,
  • High fever, nausea, vomiting, muscle and joint pain, discomfort with extensive bleeding rashes after starting with itching and continuing on the skin, inside the mouth, with rashes on the lips and bubbles formed (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
  • Lace-like rashes on hands, face and feet
  • A skin and mucous disease that begins abruptly and progresses rapidly, leading to widespread skin death and can be fatal (toxic epidermal necrolysis)
  • Liver damage when taken in large quantities
  • Agranulocytosis (disease with a decrease in the number of white cells in the blood)
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell syndrome) (skin disease that can develop due to medication and various infections)
  • Gangren (Tissue death)
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a condition in which the skin and mucous membranes react severely to medication or infection)
  • Myocardial ischemia (do not enough blood to the heart muscle), myocardial infarction (heart attack)

Frequency Unknown Side Effects

  • Stimulation in the central nervous system, dizziness, drowsiness (somnolans) and inflammation in the brain (encephalopathy), insomnia, tension
  • Positive alegia (sensitivity) test (a positive result of an allergy test) Reduction of blood scales under the influence of the immune system
  • Decreased blood scales under the influence of the immune system
  • Flicker
  • Heart palpitations

Caffeine-containing drugs can cause unwanted effects such as anxiety, tremors, sweating, and a rapid heartbeat. (Part 4 “What are the possible side effects?” see section) People with these undesirable effects should stop the use of Avmigran or other caffeine-containing drugs.

Taking a break from the use of caffeine after regular use may cause some complaints to reappear after 1 week. These are: headache, fatigue and decreased attention.

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